We are proud to be a UK supporter of the European Marine Science Educators’ Association. 

Nicola Bridge president of the EMSEA network

EMSEA brings together educators and scientists from across Europe and beyond to share expertise and information, and currently, Nicola Bridge, our Head of Conservation Education and Communication, is President of the network.

How does this help the Ocean?

As such, she is directly contributing to Ocean education across Europe, and was part of the team who secured a Horizon 2020 funding bid, entitled Ocean Literacy 4 All, which aims to raise Ocean literacy across Europe.  EMSEA’s role will be to coordinate a network of Blue Schools across Europe – a perfect fit with the Ocean Conservation Trust’s goal of creating an Ocean literate society. 

How can you help?

Our team is always looking for opportunities to get involved with national and international projects, so drop Nicola a line for a chat nicola.bridge@oceanconservationtrust.org

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Any amount you can give will help us continue our vital work to protect and support our Ocean.