We are passionate about connecting people with the Ocean and getting out on the waves on a boat is a great way to do this, but we need to make sure we are protecting our Ocean habitats in the places we choose to stop our vessels.
Traditional anchoring and mooring systems cause damage to delicate seagrass habitats as the chain drags along the seabed, disturbing and damaging the plants. Additionally, a heavy concrete sinker block is used to attach the mooring to the seabed, leaving a large and damaging footprint. The damage done to habitats by traditional mooring systems also makes them more prone to the influence of other stressors.

Therefore, we have created Advanced Mooring Systems (AMS) to minimize this disruption to delicate seabed ecosystems, such as seagrass and maerl beds. Engineered with environmental sensitivity in mind, these mooring systems offer benefits both to marine habitats and boats.
These eco moorings use a series of mid-water floats to elevate the chain from the seabed and allows seagrass to grow, undisturbed. To mitigate the issues of attaching the mooring to the seabed, we have worked with anchor manufacturers and mooring service providers to deploy helical screw anchors in their place, reducing mooring impacts even further.

Traditional mooring system

Advanced mooring system
The Stirling Advanced Mooring System is a fully customisable and interchangeable solution, making it suitable for any environmental deployment within the UK. We are currently trialling the design in several places around the UK, with promising results recorded so far.
By finding workable solutions like eco moorings, it allows communities to continue enjoying the Ocean whilst having a lesser impact on the environment, allowing both people and nature to peacefully coexist.