We are proud to be part of an exciting partnership, #ProtectOurBeds, to help protect one of the Ocean’s most valuable habitats, seagrass.
Alongside Clean Sailors, and navigation app, savvy navvy, we have launched a new global campaign #ProtectOurBeds, which focusses on mapping sensitive seagrass habitats. The aim of the campaign is to bring greater awareness to water users about the sensitive habitats that are beneath the waves, so we can minimise the disruption to these areas.
Seagrasses are one of the most valuable and biodiverse habitats on the planet and provide multiple benefits to the environment and society, from capturing and storing huge amounts of carbon to providing a nursery site for commercially important fish species.
Despite the importance of seagrass, in the UK alone, we have lost nearly half our seagrass beds since the 1930s, mainly due to avoidable human activity. Anchoring causes damage to delicate seagrass habitats, as the chain drags along the seabed disturbing and damaging the plants. Advanced mooring systems can be used to mitigate this, with a series of mid-water floats that elevate the chain from the seabed, allowing the seagrass to grow, undisturbed.
Through the #ProtectOurBeds campaign, users of the savvy navvy app can see the location of sensitive seagrass habitats and advanced mooring systems. For the first time, we are putting data into the hands of water users, making it accessible, so they can make informed decisions and choose to do their bit to protect this special habitat.
We want to work with water users to help build a more comprehensive picture of the seagrass beds out there. To further the data we currently have and to map those seagrass beds that have not yet been mapped. A win-win for conservation, seagrass sciences, and water users, as we are all custodians of our Ocean.
If you would like to find out how you can contribute to this exciting campaign, please get in touch.