Since 2022, we have been collaborating with Plymouth City Council, to develop Plymouth Sound National Marine Parks’ flagship programme, Sea in Our School!

The programme follows a similar format to the highly successful pilot project ‘Generation Ocean.’ As with Generation Ocean, this project focuses on building connections to Plymouth Sound National Marine Park, whilst supporting curriculum development in the classroom at no cost to the participating schools. 

The Sea in Our School programme will run from September 2024 until December 2029, spanning four academic years. In the fist year of the programme 30 schools will be enrolled in one of two different cohorts: 

  • ‘Cohort A’ participants will have access to the programme for all four years as part of a long-term behaviour change study. 
  • ‘Cohort B’ participants will be offered a 12-month place on the programme, starting in September of the selected academic year. 

Selected schools of both cohorts will be invited to nominate a KS2 class (Year 3 for cohort A, or any KS2 year group for Cohort B) to participate in the programme. 

Participating classes will be given access to an online event platform which includes a wide range of fully funded learning experiences. These include interactive online lessons, school visit packages and field trip options linked to Plymouth Sound National Marine Park. These activities will be provided by a range of organisations from across the Marine Park, including the four main National Marine Park hubs. Each class will be able to select three activities (one of each type) to complete within their year of participation. 

To speak to a member of our team about the Sea in Our School programme as an activity partner, participating school or member of the press, please call us on 01752 275233 or email

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