In 2021, as part of the EU Life funded ReMEDIES project we packed hundreds of thousands of seagrass seeds into bags to be planted into Plymouth Sound.

So far in the project we’ve planted 1.5 hectares, but in total, we’re aiming to plant over eight football pitches worth of seagrass into the seabed throughout the South Coast

For the next stage of planting, we’re aiming for another hectare both in Plymouth Sound National Marine Park and in the Solent this spring. That’s a whopping 20,000 bags to be packed, for both areas, in a very short window when the sea conditions are just right for the seeds to germinate.

That’s why we need your help, if you are in Plymouth, Southampton or Portsmouth and would like to be involved in England’s largest seagrass restoration project this March, then please sign up to volunteer your time to help us pack seagrass seed packs.

Click on the links below to pick a date in the location you’re available in:

Plymouth National Marine Aquarium:

National Oceanography Centre in the Southampton:

Portsmouth University:

Here’s how we planted the seeds in Plymouth Sound last year:

For more information on this project click here