A goal of the Ocean Conservation Trust is to create an Ocean literate generation. Ocean literacy is the understanding of our individual and collective impact on the Ocean and its impact on our lives and wellbeing.

More than just a concept, Ocean literacy is a fundamental means to enhance Ocean knowledge, build connections in people’s lives and support and encourage citizens and stakeholders to act in a positive way for our Ocean.

Ocean literacy is a way to advance sustainable practices, develop policy, promote responsible citizenship and encourage young people to be involved in the future.

An Ocean literate person

  • Understands the importance of the ocean to humankind
  • Can talk about the ocean in a meaningful way
  • Makes informed and responsible decisions regarding the ocean and its resources

Ocean Literacy Hub

To contribute towards Ocean Literacy the Ocean Conservation Trust acts as a hub for Ocean Literacy for the UK.

  • Part of UK government’s Marine Science Coordinating Committee Communications Working Group
  • Member of UK’s Ocean Decade International Working Group
  • Spearhead the We Are Ocean Network of Ocean Literacy Practitioners
  • Chair of a DEFRA supported Ocean Literacy Working Group for the UK
  • Is a member of the UK delegation to the UN Decade of Ocean Science
  • Supports European Marine Science Educators Association by having Nicola Bridge as the President of EMSEA
  • Has a seat on the International Ocean Literacy panel
  • Chairs the BIAZA Conservation Education Committee for the UK
  • Wrote a teacher pack for Ocean Literacy on behalf of DEFRA, distributed to the Commonwealth
  • Founding member of Ocean Literacy UK – a group of specialists who lobby English government to include Ocean in the national curriculum

How does this help the Ocean?

Our charity knows that as an Ocean literate person, you are more likely to care for and protect the Ocean. We want to create an Ocean literate generation, so that in the coming years, the threats to the Ocean are met head on by an engaged collective of people who are connected with nature. 

Read more about the history of Ocean Literacy and its principles in our Think Ocean section here.

How can you help?

Our work over the coming years to showcase the wonders of the Ocean and how we are all connected to it will need funding. If you would like to see a generation of people caring for the Ocean, then please consider a donation to our charity today. 

Support our charity with a donation

Any amount you can give will help us continue our vital work to protect and support our Ocean.