Habitat Restoration

Leading innovators in seagrass conservation, restoration and management, with over 180 miles of seabed mapped over 4-year period

Seagrass germination and deployment laboratory for UK programme with Natural England created

Innovative seagrass eco-mooring invented, with UK wide programme commenced and 20 moorings deployed

Feasibility study to create the UK’s first sustainable scallop hatchery completed, with funding for next phase development awarded

Over 13 successful conservation initiatives funded worldwide

Behaviour Change

6 million people connected with the Ocean

400 thousand curriculum linked education sessions delivered with decade of learning programmes evaluated

First Ocean conservation programme in English MAT and Welsh Super schools launched

Sustainable seafood behaviour change programme through restaurants and public engagement

Award winning programme of Ocean experiences for all

National & International Influence 

UK’s national Aquarium built and managed for over 20 years. First UK Aquarium to further learning and conservation in the marine space.

10-year monitoring programme of our purpose-built artificial reef for conservation and biodiversity

Ocean Literacy UK co-founded, leading to the development of a publication to increase Ocean literacy for the Commonwealth, delivered in collaboration with DEFRA and NGOs. 

Published ground-breaking PhD research into therapeutic properties of blue spaces

Founding partner in developing the UK’s first national marine park